Tag: YA LGBT Fiction

9 YA LGBT+ Novels Published in 2019 on My TBR Pile

2019 has been another fantastic year for queer ya fiction, much of which I’ve read and enjoyed. However, there just aren’t enough free hours in the day to get through as many as I would have liked, and below are the nine ya lgbt+ novels published during 2019 still on my to-be-read pile. If you’ve read any of these, or if there are any others you can recommend, I’d love to hear your thoughts. I’m so looking forward to reading these and many more amazing books in the New Year!

Wishing you all a wonderful 2020 full of love, happiness, and a ton of new books!

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Check Out a Teaser from Defensive Play, Coming November 30!


With only a few days to go before the release on November 30 of Defensive Play, my Boys on the Brink novella, I thought I’d share a little teaser with you all. This excerpt actually comes from the opening of the book, set during the annual Brookshire football tournament, where seventeen-year-old Davey lays eyes on Adam for the first time, a moment which turns his precariously balanced world spinning. If you enjoy it, you can preorder your copy here.

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